
AI Transforming Business

We provide cloud-based Optimisation as a Service at both enterprise and individual levels. All services are available as consumable RESTful APIs designed to be embedded in your applications. Our services allow you to deliver complex AI solutions to your customers in a seamless, reliable manner.

Optimisation as a Service

Focus On Real Intelligence, We Will Help With The Rest.

Let's face it, we all know we can do things better, but often the effort and learning curve makes it hard. As long as we measure ourselves against those around us, isn't that good enough? We don't believe that, and neither do you.

Now you can access high quality results to a range of domain specific problems quickly, easily and cheaply. Icepack provides access to optimisation that empowers our users to make better decisions . Asking questions is the hard part, let us help you answer them.

Boost your business offering with embedded AI solutions.

We know, AI is taking your job, AI is dead, AI is biased. AI is walking the dog. AI is the dog. Truth is, AI is merely the next technological step in empowering people. We believe in providing easy access to powerful solving techniques and embedding them into your applications. Focus on building great products and let us help you by providing state of the art solutions to your toughest problems. Curious, visit our documentation site for further the details.

Built To Scale, As You Grow.

No more bulky products with high maintenance costs, annual licenses, and a host of features you don't need. Use only those services that provide value to your business and customers. We scale over AWS, Azure and GCP data centres helping deliver a service that is reliable, available and low-latency

Optimised Decisions, Enhanced Insurance Operations

By leveraging discrete optimisation and AI, insurance firms can streamline operations, manage risks, and enhance decision-making across critical segments. Fine-tune premium pricing in Pricing and Underwriting, balancing competitive rates with profitability. Sharpen Risk Assessment by optimally allocating resources to mitigate high-risk exposures. Expedite Claims Resolution, curbing fraud and uplifting customer satisfaction. Enhance Portfolio Management benefits through a diversified policy mix, ensuring profitability within risk bounds. Strengthen Fraud Detection by uncovering irregularities in claims data, while in Reinsurance Optimisation, craft strategies to harmonize risk and capital needs.

Discrete optimisation aids in efficient Resource Allocation, in staff and IT resources, yielding cost savings and better service. It’s instrumental in Product Development, crafting policies that appeal to customers while retaining profitability. Customer Acquisition and Retention are bolstered by optimising marketing endeavors and rewards programs. In Claim Settlement Negotiations, it aids in finding fair settlement amounts swiftly, and in Regulatory Compliance, it ensures adherence to legal standards. Employing AI in these domains empowers insurers to make informed, data-driven choices, significantly enhancing profitability, risk control, and client satisfaction.

Agile Intelligence for Operational Problems

From simple small cases that can help teach and clarify concepts, to complex real world constrained problems. Access the level of problem solving you need for your specific business requirements.


They may not be RESTful in the technical sense, but they will put you at ease.

Security First

We take security extremely seriously. So seriously, even this message is encrypa$ajf8yultron308fHAL9000h3928fh9pahfGLaDOSlhpl9.